Back to Hogwarts (+Tags)✨


Thank you firstly to Megan from A Geeky Gal for the nomination. I adore Harry Potter and it’s the perfect time of year for a Potter-inspired tag! This tag originally came from Michelle from A Geek Girl’s Guide FYI.

I have been a fan of Potter since I was 12 when I read The Chamber of Secrets. The first book was already checked out in my school library, and I couldn’t wait to see what all the fuss was about so I took out book 2. I have been hooked since.


You have to go shopping in Diagon Alley! What store do you go to first?

Oh, man straight to Eeylops Owl Emporium!!! I adore birds in general but there is something particularly human about owls with their forward-facing eyes. If I could have an owl I would be happy forever and ever!

You’re on the Hogwarts Express! What snack are you getting from the trolley?

I’m not really into sweets, however I would totally be into collecting the Chocolate Frog cards. I’d just give Ron my frog to eat!

It’s time for the welcome feast! Which table are you at?

I have been sorted into Ravenclaw officially, and that’s the house I most relate to. However, I have been known to relate to certain Hufflepuff traits, but I think it just means I would get on well with my Hufflepuff classmates.

Harry Potter Tag
Harry Potter Tag

You get an elective this year? What will it be?

When Hermione was running around in The Prisoner of Azkaban taking extra classes with her time turner, I always wanted to hear more about her class Study of Ancient Runes.

You’ve got a break between classes! What will you be doing?

Reading in the library, or doing homework. Yes, I’m a nerd, I am in no way ashamed of it.

Harry Potter Tag
Harry Potter Tag

You get to go to Hogsmeade this year! Where do you go to first?

I would go straight to The Three Broomsticks to try a Butterbeer. I would probably hate the taste of it because it sounds incredibly sweet, but still.

You’re meeting up with friends to hang out! Where in the castle are you going to chill?

In the Ravenclaw common room with my Ravenclaw homies! I might even see Megan from A Geeky Gal there!

Harry Potter Tag
Harry Potter Tag

The end of year exams are coming up. What test will you do best at?

Probably History of Magic, I’ve always loved herstory(sly feminist dig) in general and could you imagine the magical version!

My nominees

All my followers who are Harry Potter fans. Or if you’re not and have no idea what I’m talking about, why not do it anyway, it might be funny!

Thanks again Megan!!!

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